My little man officially loves puzzles. Three weeks ago, he pulled out some puzzles and began doing them quickly and expertly, like six-year old doing baby puzzles (which he is and they are). I've slowly thrown more complicated ones into the mix. They hardly presented a challenge. This week, I added puzzles where the picture underneath doesn't match exactly or where there is no image at all. James has complained a bit with these, but I am confident he'll get it right. Of course, he likes the bag I put them in a bit too much and they HAVE to be stored there. I am not going to fight this little obsession as it makes it easier to cart the lot, back and forth to the shore.
This week we are attending a big gala, THE fund-raising event for his school (a great excuse for an evening out for us). Not only do we really gussy up but the event is held at a catering hall where the food is actually good. And it is always a blast to see the teachers, in their finery, boogying! Grandma and Grandpa are babysitting here too. I am extra grateful, because, this way we don't have to cancel James' therapy. Thursdays and Fridays are speech and OT days and I hate for him to miss those sessions.
Time to run around and get the homestead in shape before I go get James (and he undoes all my tidying in minutes)!