On the less upsetting front, I think we have made major headway on curbing James' obsessive behavior regarding shutting doors and lights. The word "NO" has worked (said it repeatedly, for weeks). It has worked so well, that now, all I have to say is "Daddy says the doors must be open!" Of course, we make him reopen the doors and put the lights back on, too. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to hammer a point home with our poor sweetie.
Another plus is that James has been approved for a speech device. I'll learn the proper language by next week! Of course, being the Board Of Education, you do not get what you or your therapist think you need. They evaluated him on three devices, one of which is no longer available. They also used icons that are not used in NYC education and ones that he was unfamiliar with. They went with what James teacher said over what we or his speech therapist thought. They said that James' progress in school was to be held in higher regard than at home or in a one-on-one situation. Fine. So James was approved for an 8-icon device (as opposed to the 32 icon board he has been training on for 6 months). The device will have 12 programable boards, so we custom make ones for OT, Speech, School, the beach and Brooklyn. And they are easily reprogramable so we can make one for visits to relatives or special trips. That said, this department goes on vacation at the end of the month until September. Great. We waited for this evaluation for six months. Is this process going to take a year? Meanwhile, Dad is going to troll Ebay and see if he can find something to get him started.